- Keep your pecker up!
- Не вешай<те> носа!
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
keep your pecker up — british informal phrase used for encouraging someone to be happy in a difficult situation Thesaurus: ways of telling someone not to worry or be upsetsynonym Main entry: pecker * * * Brit., informal … Useful english dictionary
keep your pecker up — If someone tells you to keep your pecker up, they are telling you not to let your problems get on top of you and to try to be optimistic … The small dictionary of idiomes
Keep your pecker up! — Keep (your) pecker up! British, informal something that you say to someone in order to tell them to be happy when something unpleasant is happening to them. I know things are hard, love, but keep your pecker up … New idioms dictionary
keep your pecker up — ► keep your pecker up Brit. informal remain cheerful. [ORIGIN: pecker probably in the sense «beak».] Main Entry: ↑pecker … English terms dictionary
keep your pecker up — If someone tells you to keep your pecker up, they are telling you not to let your problems get on top of you and to try to be optimistic. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Keep your pecker up — If someone tells you to keep your pecker up, they are telling you not to let your problems get on top of you and to try to be optimistic … Dictionary of English idioms
keep your pecker up Brit. — keep your pecker up Brit. informal remain cheerful. [pecker prob. in the sense beak .] → pecker … English new terms dictionary
Keep your pecker up — This is one way of saying keep your chin up. Use with caution as in some places your pecker is also your willy! … The American's guide to speaking British
keep your pecker up — Meaning Remain cheerful. Origin This is the English pecker, i.e. mouth, as opposed to the American, i.e. penis … Meaning and origin of phrases
keep your pecker up — stay cheerful, remain happy … English contemporary dictionary
keep your pecker up — • meaning stay positive , look on the bright side etc … Londonisms dictionary